Non-invasive and predictive orthodontics
So that everything turns out well
First and foremost, our endeavour is for a healthy and beautiful, natural and carefree smile for your child. In many cases, something can be done about this already in early childhood.
For the positive development of jaws and teeth, a treatment programme that is both non-invasive as well as effective is developed – from the consultation stage to diagnostics and planning – to sustainable therapy for a lasting treatment outcome.
Early orthodontic treatment
The early detection of misalignments and malfunctions is what our treatment focuses on. This is because it is possible to determine between the ages of four and six whether your child needs treatment. With plenty of time for a comprehensive consultation, we consider the oral situation of your child in every detail and discuss together any possible habits that stand in the way of healthy development.
As the jaw is now growing, we can use this phase to influence its development in a non-invasive way. The jaw and teeth should be steered in the right direction – with holistic and modern methods of paediatric orthodontics.