Non-invasive and predictive orthodontics

So that everything turns out well

First and foremost, our endeavour is for a healthy and beautiful, natural and carefree smile for your child. In many cases, something can be done about this already in early childhood.
For the positive development of jaws and teeth, a treatment programme that is both non-invasive as well as effective is developed – from the consultation stage to diagnostics and planning – to sustainable therapy for a lasting treatment outcome.

Early orthodontic treatment

The early detection of misalignments and malfunctions is what our treatment focuses on. This is because it is possible to determine between the ages of four and six whether your child needs treatment. With plenty of time for a comprehensive consultation, we consider the oral situation of your child in every detail and discuss together any possible habits that stand in the way of healthy development.
As the jaw is now growing, we can use this phase to influence its development in a non-invasive way. The jaw and teeth should be steered in the right direction – with holistic and modern methods of paediatric orthodontics.

Removable dental brace

Corrects teeth and jaw sustainably

In childhood, loose dental braces are normally used to have an influence on jaw growth. An upper jaw that is too small or a lower jaw that is set too far back can be corrected, for example. Breaking harmful habits such as thumb sucking, grinding teeth, clenching the tongue or mouth breathing is supported by loose dental braces, so that serious consequences such as a crossbite can be avoided at an early stage

and is not unpleasant.

If a milk tooth is lost, e.g. due to caries or an accident, the removable brace is also fitted as a spacer. This means the gap can be maintained until the permanent tooth moves up and takes its place.

The teeth, jaw and mouth are not impaired by a removable dental brace in any way. Oral hygiene can also be carried out without any restrictions. For this purpose, children and of course parents are given many tips for dental care and cleaning the brace at home.

Holistic therapy

Harmony and balance

The human being is a networked system that consists of elements under compression and tension. The oral and facial area is anatomically and neurophysiologically very closely networked with other parts of the body. Disturbances in the orofacial system lead to further malfunctions and instabilities in the entire body (head, cervical spine, pelvis) and vice versa. Thus, a myofunctional disorder, for example, not only affects the closure of the lips, the tongue’s position and breathing, but can also lead to further physiological imbalances and even to complete physical instability. This imbalance is usually shown in a misalignment of the pelvis with a deviating longitudinal axis up to the cervical spine. The consequence is blockages in the chest or the cervical vertebrae.

Healthy mouth – healthy body.

In holistic orthodontics, the focus of attention is on these interactions in the body. This is achieved on the one hand through close interdisciplinary cooperation with physiotherapists, osteopaths, orthopaedists and ENT specialists and with the use of certain functional orthodontic treatment equipment such as the Bionator on the other hand. With the help of these devices, not only is the tooth position corrected in the course of the treatment but also a balance is achieved between the tone of the facial muscles and body tension.
This is why in holistic therapy an individual and non-invasive treatment programme is developed for each child.