Minor surgical interventions

with a major effect

Milk tooth extraction

Sometimes it happens that a milk tooth is no longer worth saving due to caries or an accident. In this case, unfortunately, we have to remove the tooth in order to avoid damaging consequences for the remaining teeth. Inadequate treatment (leaving the diseased tooth in place, etc.) would lead to long-term damage.
In addition, removing the milk tooth due to breakthrough disruptions by second teeth (permanent tooth grows in the second row) may be useful in order to avoid unfavourable orthodontic consequences.
This type of treatment is usually simple to carry out without complications. Depending on your child’s willingness to cooperate and psychological state, it is possible for us to use our non-invasive treatment methods such as behaviour guidance appropriate for children, nitrous oxide sedation or general anaesthetic in addition to the local anaesthetic.
In the event of very early tooth loss, it may be necessary to keep the gap created open by using a spacer. We will discuss with you and you child in each individual case whether a fixed or removable spacer is the right solution.

Permanent tooth extraction

In rare cases, permanent teeth also have to be removed from children and adolescents. The reasons for this may be caries, nerve inflammation or accidents.
Orthodontic reasons may also warrant the removal of permanent teeth.
In some patients we find excess numbers of teeth in the anterior area, which are often the cause of an anterior tooth gap (diastema). We usually remove these, especially if they impede the growth of other permanent teeth.

After removal, it is important to provide the gap created with a denture or have your child undergo orthodontic care.

We will advise you and your child in detail about removing permanent teeth and will find the right treatment method.

Treatment of dental inflammation (fistula, abscess)

If a dental treatment is delayed, many children complain about their problems. Often what is known as a fistula develops at the gumline, which looks like a small blister and from which pus may also be discharged. This may even lead to the formation of an abscess (accumulation of pus) and to a deterioration in the junior patient’s general condition (feeling unwell, high temperature, etc.).

Then it is important to make an appointment for your child to see us promptly in order to avoid any further complications.

Lip frenulum correction

The lip frenulum is a strand of connective and muscle tissue that is covered by the oral mucosa. In the upper jaw it constitutes the connection between the gums above the incisors and the lips. There is also a lip frenulum in the lower jaw but this rarely causes any problems.
About seven per cent of children in Germany have a pronounced gap in their teeth between the upper incisors (diastema mediale superior). The cause of this may be a lip frenulum that is too thick or too short so it extends too far between the teeth. The unfavourable consequences may be speech defects such as lisping. Sometimes, a lip frenulum that extends very low can even interfere with children’s oral hygiene, as the toothbrush causes pain when it comes into contact with the frenulum.
We carry out a thorough examination to determine whether the connective tissue frenulum is responsible for the gap in the front teeth or there are any other causes.
If the lip frenulum is shortened, we recommend a lip frenulum correction, in which the band is cut through (frenotomy) or completely removed (frenectomy), so that the gap in the teeth can close by itself. This correction is often carried out on children between the ages of seven and nine.

It is a minor surgical procedure.
We provide this procedure in our practice both conventionally as well as minimally invasive using laser therapy.

Lingual frenulum correction

The lingual frenulum is a muscular fold covered with mucus membrane, which connects the lower surface of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. In about 5% of all newborns, this lingual frenulum is shortened, which can impair the tongue’s manoeuvrability in pronounced cases. In extreme cases of shortening, tongues will appear to be notched or split in two at the front, especially when stretched out.
A severely shortened lingual frenulum may lead to difficulties with sucking, drinking, swallowing and breastfeeding problems even for infants.
A shortened lingual frenulum may also have a negative effect on speech development.
Other possible consequences are changes in the dental arch and misaligned teeth, especially the incisors.
It may be more difficult to fit and adjust dental braces later on. In some cases, the unfavourable position of the tongue may even result in mouth breathing.

In a minor outpatient procedure, the fusion of the tongue frenulum can be loosened and allow room for the tongue to move properly again. We provide this procedure in our practice both as a minor surgical intervention as well as minimally invasive using laser therapy.