Minor surgical interventions
with a major effect
Milk tooth extraction
Sometimes it happens that a milk tooth is no longer worth saving due to caries or an accident. In this case, unfortunately, we have to remove the tooth in order to avoid damaging consequences for the remaining teeth. Inadequate treatment (leaving the diseased tooth in place, etc.) would lead to long-term damage.
In addition, removing the milk tooth due to breakthrough disruptions by second teeth (permanent tooth grows in the second row) may be useful in order to avoid unfavourable orthodontic consequences.
This type of treatment is usually simple to carry out without complications. Depending on your child’s willingness to cooperate and psychological state, it is possible for us to use our non-invasive treatment methods such as behaviour guidance appropriate for children, nitrous oxide sedation or general anaesthetic in addition to the local anaesthetic.
In the event of very early tooth loss, it may be necessary to keep the gap created open by using a spacer. We will discuss with you and you child in each individual case whether a fixed or removable spacer is the right solution.