Molar incisor hypomineralisation

or chalky teeth

Tooth enamel is the outer layer of the teeth. As it has the important task of protecting the inside of the teeth and to make the teeth work properly, it is the hardest substance in the entire human body.
However, if the enamel softens because it is not mineralised enough, the teeth become brittle and therefore very sensitive and painful. This is when any contact can hurt. Which means food, especially cold and sweet dishes and brushing your teeth. Frequent and thorough brushing is extremely important, especially with chalky teeth, because the soft enamel no longer protects the tooth as effectively from invading bacteria.

The teeth are no longer well protected

As the natural protective function for the teeth is no longer provided with defective enamel, chalky teeth are very susceptible to caries. In addition, bacteria in the mouth can enter the inside of the tooth more easily through the undermineralised enamel. This is where they cause an inflammation.
Sharply demarcated areas of the teeth also take on a white creamy to yellow brown discolouration. As parents, you can also discover missing cusps or chipped enamel on your child’s new teeth as they appear.

This new widespread disorder can occur both in milk teeth as well as in permanent teeth. More than a quarter of all children in Germany suffer from chalky teeth and the number of affected children is increasing worldwide. Even though a lot of research is carried out in this field, the causes are still largely unclear. The only thing that is certain is that the function of enamel-forming cells has to be disturbed. This means the development period can be narrowed down from the eighth month of pregnancy to the child’s fourth birthday.

An accurate diagnosis is crucial for the correct treatment

This means treatment is possible. The sooner we start with it, the better we can stop the process.

But first we have to find out if your child really has chalky teeth. Because there are other reasons why the tooth enamel is not mineralised sufficiently. For this we carry out a thorough diagnosis.

If we detect molar incisor hypomineralisation, we can treat it with special toothpastes, fillings or fissure sealants. In the case of more serious defects, a crown with prefabricated metal crowns is indicated. In rare cases the teeth have to be removed – followed by an orthodontic closure of the gap.
This is why the main aim of the treatment is to protect the teeth from caries. In addition, permanent teeth are intended to be preserved for a lifetime and be less sensitive to touch and temperature irritations.

If your child is affected, we are happy to inform you about the various treatment options available.